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Oulaisten Kevätsprintti, osa 2, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan AM-sprintti
Classes District Club Number of the competitors
Classes H21
Number of the participants 6
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Koirikivi Riku Pohjant 16.42 0.00.00 57.50 47.47
2 Parkkinen Ville IkNV 16.59 0.00.17 54.84 45.28
3 Kuusikko Miska Pohjant 17.18 0.00.36 52.18 43.08
4 Ruuttula Juho SievSi 17.38 0.00.56 49.56 40.91
5 Vähäsöyrinki Erkki NiS 18.37 0.01.55 45.39 37.48
6 Hanninen Oskari OuTa 27.15 0.10.33 29.95 24.73

Classes H35
Number of the participants 3
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Hyyppä Jarmo Pohjant 17.59 0.00.00 41.77 28.08
2 Aho Mika Pohjant 19.25 0.01.26 35.78 24.05
3 Lukkarinen Jouni Pohjant 21.00 0.03.01 30.40 20.44

Classes H40
Number of the participants 4
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Asikainen Saku Hiisi 17.04 0.00.00 42.96 35.35
2 Laitinen Antti KoskRi 17.22 0.00.18 40.11 33.00
3 Väänänen Lassi IisVi 18.15 0.01.11 36.16 29.75
4 Koljonen Jouni VaKa 19.40 0.02.36 31.69 26.07

Classes H45
Number of the participants 5
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Kyllästinen Jyri RaLu 17.44 0.00.00 41.64 41.90
2 Ronkainen Markus LapVe 19.52 0.02.08 35.78 36.00
3 Järvelin Marko PeRa 20.09 0.02.25 33.90 34.11
4 Myllymäki Jyri VetU 20.51 0.03.07 31.44 31.63
5 Jylkkä Marko YlivKu 21.01 0.03.17 29.87 30.05

Classes H50
Number of the participants 2
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Koirikivi Vesa RasTiimi 21.57 0.00.00
2 Hyvönen Markku Lynx 25.55 0.03.58

Classes H55
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Hyvönen Panu Pohjant 16.07 0.00.00

Classes H60
Number of the participants 2
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Tepsa Antti LapVe 21.14 0.00.00
2 Karppinen Jouko VaKa 23.33 0.02.19

Classes H65
Number of the participants 8
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Vartiainen Aarne RAPSU 19.59 0.00.00 40.92 41.31
2 Heikka Markku ONMKY 20.16 0.00.17 39.48 39.86
3 Nurisalo Seppo KoS 20.52 0.00.53 37.51 37.86
4 Tuomaala Juhani KoS 21.03 0.01.04 36.35 36.69
5 Junttila Tuomo RasTiimi 23.23 0.03.24 31.97 32.27
5 Vilminko Pauli SiSe 23.23 0.03.24 31.97 32.27
7 Riipinen Markku SiSe 26.49 0.06.50 26.57 26.82
Pihlajaniemi Pekka SalRe HYL -

Classes H70
Number of the participants 13
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Kemppainen Taisto VaKa 15.42 0.00.00 40.75 37.86
2 Toppari Pekka PuolRy 16.01 0.00.19 39.45 36.65
3 Keltamäki Seppo JoKu 16.23 0.00.41 38.08 35.38
4 Myllymäki Ari KPV 16.55 0.01.13 36.41 33.82
5 Juutinen Hannu Pohjant 17.01 0.01.19 35.72 33.19
6 Jylkkä Markku YlivKu 18.06 0.02.24 33.14 30.79
7 Antikainen Raimo KuoSu 18.09 0.02.27 32.61 30.30
8 Köngäs Martti PuolRy 18.13 0.02.31 32.05 29.78
9 Sevon Niilo SalRe 18.41 0.02.59 30.82 28.64
10 Koivukangas Erkki KoS 19.00 0.03.18 29.89 27.77
11 Tuohimaa Esko ONMKY 19.45 0.04.03 28.35 26.34
12 Kattilakoski Eero KPV 20.15 0.04.33 27.25 25.32
13 Törmälä Samuli YlivKu 23.34 0.07.52 23.08 21.44

Classes H75
Number of the participants 4
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Lukkarinen Olavi Pohjant 18.52 0.00.00
2 Hanhela Mauno HaHe 20.16 0.01.24
Oja Jorma NiS HYL -
Pelkonen Alpo OSVA HYL -

Classes H80
Number of the participants 2
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Mikkilä Mauno NiS 17.18 0.00.00
2 Jokela Vesa NiS 17.19 0.00.01

Classes H20
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Kallela Luca HS 15.49 0.00.00

Classes H18
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Harjuhaahto Antti SalRe 18.03 0.00.00

Classes H14
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead
1 Kouvalainen Niilo Kiuru 14.23 0.00.00

Classes H12
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead
1 Laurila Viljami SalRe 11.55 0.00.00

Classes H10
Number of the participants 2
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead
1 Kangas Emil Pohjant 14.56 0.00.00
2 Väisänen Viljami LaiVe 15.50 0.00.54

Classes D21
Number of the participants 14
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Laatikainen Henna Pohjant 19.39 0.00.00 53.86 52.60
2 Viippola Venla OuTa 19.40 0.00.01 53.20 51.95
3 Karppinen Kukka-Maaria LaiVe 19.58 0.00.19 51.79 50.57
4 Yli-Futka Amanda MSParma 20.08 0.00.29 50.75 49.56
5 Pirilä Elisa MSParma 20.24 0.00.45 49.49 48.33
6 Kuusikko Kiia Pohjant 21.18 0.01.39 46.82 45.73
7 Hangasmaa Hanna YlivKu 21.25 0.01.46 46.00 44.92
8 Lotvonen Milla LaiVe 22.28 0.02.49 43.31 42.29
9 Keltamäki Tiia OuTa 23.13 0.03.34 41.38 40.41
10 Jaatinen Ilona Pohjant 23.40 0.04.01 40.08 39.14
11 Tiitto Johanna RasTiimi 23.43 0.04.04 39.48 38.55
12 Lotvonen Essi LaiVe 26.07 0.06.28 35.38 34.55
13 Päkkilä Suvi HaHe 26.08 0.06.29 34.89 34.08
14 Tepsa Anna-Eerika LapVe 35.22 0.15.43 25.44 24.84

Classes D35
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Pitkänen Kati Pohjant 23.58 0.00.00

Classes D40
Number of the participants 5
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Laitinen Maria YlikNM 18.32 0.00.00 35.94 35.20
2 Hokkanen Anni Pohjant 21.21 0.02.49 30.03 29.41
3 Ronkainen Ritva LapVe 23.00 0.04.28 26.79 26.24
4 Märsynaho Maaret PuolRy 27.14 0.08.42 21.70 21.26
5 Korhonen Carita IisVi 27.34 0.09.02 20.54 20.12

Classes D50
Number of the participants 2
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Mattila Riitta RasTiimi 20.51 0.00.00
2 Koivisto Sari SalRe 26.47 0.05.56

Classes D55
Number of the participants 6
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Lassila Päivi RasTiimi 21.44 0.00.00 43.73 37.70
2 Aikio Outi Pohjant 22.49 0.01.05 40.40 34.84
3 Lotvonen Arja LaiVe 23.32 0.01.48 37.96 32.73
4 Hokajärvi Raili Pohjant 24.18 0.02.34 35.59 30.69
5 Kanerva Kerttu LapVe 29.59 0.08.15 27.89 24.05
6 Jokikokko Tarja OuTa 33.19 0.11.35 24.25 20.91

Classes D60
Number of the participants 3
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Käkelä Maija PuolRy 17.27 0.00.00 29.18 18.00
1 Ekdahl Pirkko NiS 17.27 0.00.00 29.18 18.00
3 Vilminko Tuula SiSe 25.56 0.08.29 16.69 10.30

Classes D65
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Jussinniemi Seija SiSe 20.59 0.00.00

Classes D70
Number of the participants 5
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Ketola Pirjo SalRe 14.49 0.00.00 32.23 28.10
2 Halme Ritva KiimU 15.07 0.00.18 30.40 26.51
3 Köngäs Kaarina PuolRy 16.02 0.01.13 27.55 24.02
4 Pelkonen Maija OSVA 16.30 0.01.41 25.69 22.39
Yliniemi Kaisa NiS KES -

Classes D20
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Rajala Daniela KoskRi 20.36 0.00.00

Classes D18
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Mattila Helmi RasTiimi 20.43 0.00.00

Classes D16
Number of the participants 1
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead Points Sprint points
1 Kangas Siiri Pohjant 17.16 0.00.00

Classes D14
Number of the participants 3
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead
1 Väisänen Martta Pohjant 14.04 0.00.00
2 Vähäsöyrinki Lotta NiS 15.29 0.01.25
3 Länsitie Pinja Pohjant 16.03 0.01.59

Classes D12
Number of the participants 3
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead
1 Kangas Inga Pohjant 9.57 0.00.00
2 Juka Eevi LaiVe 10.58 0.01.01
3 Siponen Anna Kiuru 11.50 0.01.53

Classes D10
Number of the participants 3
Place Name Club Time Difference to the lead
1 Pitkänen Enni Pohjant 14.35 0.00.00
2 Siponen Emilia Kiuru 18.29 0.03.54
3 Kangas Saga Pohjant 18.32 0.03.57